
A picture of a duck billed platypus
A picture of a duck billed platypus

Stock Image by Morphart 1 / 147 Cartoon animals Stock Photography by Bastetamon 1 / 194 Toy platypus on map of Australia Stock Images by Bastetamon 0 / 4 platypus Stock Photo by prawny 0 / 558 Vector animals Picture by angelp 2 / 752 Australian animals: Armadillo, echidna and Otter. Stock Images by mspoint 0 / 0 collection of different animals silhouettes Stock Images by suti 1 / 882 Silhouettes of australian animals Stock Image by Amplion 1 / 316 Web buttons, australian animal icons Pictures by Ekarash 2 / 226 Platypus Figurine Picture by homestudio 0 / 0 Platypus Figurine Stock Image by homestudio 0 / 1 wild duck Stock Photographs by Voyagerix 0 / 40 Vector of crocodile in lake sneaking on prey. Flat style vector illustration isolated on white background. Pictures by kjwells86 0 / 0 Australis with animals Pictures by Amplion 2 / 68 Rare animals collection. Stock Photography by YuliaAvgust 2 / 189 Australian platypus icon, isometric 3d style Stock Photo by Juliarstudio 1 / 11 Vector animals Stock Photographs by angelp 4 / 1,012 animals Stock Photography by angelp 12 / 2,633 Australia with cartoon animals Pictures by Amplion 2 / 588 A duck-billed platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) swims in the Tyenna River in Mt. Stock Photo by kjwells86 0 / 0 Duck-Billed Platypus Ornithorhynchus Anatinus Diving Retro Woodcut Black and White Stock Photo by patrimonio 0 / 0 Australian animals: koala, platypus and lyrebird. Flat style vector illustration isolated on white background EPS Picture by Alxyzt 0 / 0 Cute Brown Duck-billed Platypus as Australian Animal and Endemic Fauna Vector Illustration Stock Images by Happypictures 0 / 0 Duck-Billed Platypus Ornithorhynchus Anatinus Swimming Down Retro Woodcut Black and White Stock Image by patrimonio 0 / 0 Smiling Face Fridge Magnet/Stickers (Animals) #2 Stock Photo by RobSnowStock 1 / 329 Platypus in Melbourne Australia Stock Photo by Filedimage 0 / 0 Common Wombat and Duck Billed Platypus as Australian Animals Vector Set Stock Image by Happypictures 0 / 0 Platypus Stock Photography by lucidwaters 0 / 39 Vector animals Stock Photography by angelp 25 / 7,165 A duck-billed platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) swims in a river in northeast Tasmania. Stock Photography by Pixelchaos 4 / 138 Cartoon animals Stock Photography by Bastetamon 14 / 10,427 Animal outline for duck-billed platypus Stock Photography by bluering 0 / 6 Duck-billed Platypus leaving poop, feces on grass in Tasmania, Australia Stock Photos by sasimotophotos 0 / 11 Australian animal icons Pictures by Ekarash 6 / 523 3D Rendering Platypus on White Stock Photos by VAC 1 / 3 Platypus Stock Photography by bluering 1 / 322 Duck-billed Platypus Tophat Woodcut Color Stock Photo by patrimonio 0 / 0 Platypus portrait Stock Images by cristiaciobanu 3 / 88 Platypus Stock Photographs by Amplion 3 / 108 Rare animals collection. Stock Photography by Morphart 1 / 39 Duck-billed platypus Stock Photographs by bluering 2 / 159 Platypus Stock Photography by lucidwaters 2 / 136 Silhouettes of australian animals Stock Photography by Amplion 10 / 610 platypus Stock Photo by sayour 2 / 82 Platypus Picture by lucidwaters 1 / 80 Platypus duck-billed animal. Stock Photography by Pixelchaos 10 / 361 Platypus or Duck-billed platypus, vintage engraving. Reading Level 1-3, Interest Level 2-5.Platypus duck-billed animal. 24 pages filled with engaging, colorful illustrations. The platypus is found only in Australia.Ī pronunciation guide of scientific terms is included. The male has a sharp spur on each hind leg that releases poison. A female platypus lays 1-3 eggs and cares for the babies when the eggs hatch. They sleep in burrows near the water's edge.

a picture of a duck billed platypus

The platypus uses its bill to snap up food from the water and to find food on the bottom of lakes and rivers. They eat while they are in water, most often at night, with a diet that includes bugs, beetles, shrimps, snails, and worms. Platypuses live near lakes and slow-moving rivers. Most mammals give birth to live babies, with monotremes being the only egg-laying mammals.

a picture of a duck billed platypus

A mammal is an animal that breathes air, feeds milk to its babies, and has fur for at least part of its life. This unusual animal belongs to a group of mammals called monotremes. It has a flat tail and fur like a beaver.

a picture of a duck billed platypus

A platypus has a bill like a duck, lays eggs like a duck, and has webbed feet.

A picture of a duck billed platypus